Engineering Management, M.S.

Professor working with students

Want to update your resume with cutting-edge technical and the latest industry business skills?

The Master of Science in Engineering Management degree blends traditional business topics with technical coursework in engineering.

Toss in the sponsored real-world work experience, and you will have an unmatched opportunity to gain management expertise and master the tools needed to succeed at the next level.

Why Study Engineering Management at Kettering University

  • You want a Master’s program that blends management and technical skills to immediately accelerate your career goals.
  • Our faculty conduct research in Microenterprise, Lean Product Development, Small Business and Non-Profit Organizations, Entrepreneurship as an Anti-Poverty Strategy and Innovation Development Excellence.

The program is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs.

What You'll Learn

Customize your learning by selecting one of our unique certificates — or by creating your own:

  • Data Analytics
  • Technology Leadership
  • Supply Chain and Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Operations Management
  • Lean Healthcare Management (online only)
  • Global Leadership

Combining tech know how with management skills will help you take on senior leadership roles at tech firms faster than others with a traditional MBA. This is especially true at the larger, more well-established high tech companies, where salaries can be higher and opportunities more plentiful than at emerging firms, according to U.S. News and World Report.

Graduate Admissions

Kimberlie Dolan
Associate Director of International & Graduate Admissions


Phone: (810) 762-7865

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